Persuasion, 6 short principles

By in Social on iulie 23, 2014

Food makers want us to buy their newest products, while movie studios want us to go see the latest blockbusters. Because persuasion is such a pervasive component of our lives, it is often all-to-easy to overlook how we are influenced by outside sources. This animation is describing the Universal Principles of Persuasion based on the research of Dr. Robert Cialdini, Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing, Arizona State University.

1. Reciprocity – Be the first to give and make sure it is personalized and unexpected. (Recall the example of waiter and mints, turning back to give an extra.) Give them something for free.

2. Scarcity – Convey what are the benefits, what is unique, and what they stand to lose by not getting it. (Recall example of the Concorde.) Don’t give all of your key information at once. Instead provide a “teaser” so that you leave them wanting more.

3. Authority – People follow the lead of credible, knowledgeable experts. It is important to signal to others what makes you a credible, knowledgeable authority BEFORE you attempt to make your influence attempt, usually presented by another. (Recall receptionist: “Let me put you through to __, he has 20 yrs experience as a __)

4. Consistency – Look for voluntary, active, public commitment. (Doctor appts are more likely to be kept if a patient writes down details on the appt card than if a receptionist does.)

5. Liking – We prefer to say yes to people we like. Three important factors – those who are similar to us, who pay us compliments, and who cooperate with us. Look for areas of similarity and genuine compliments you can offer BEFORE getting down to business. Be likeable. Smile, connect and engage your audience.

6. Consensus – People will look to the actions and behaviors of others to determine their own. (Recall example of towel reuse in hotel rooms.)

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