Forţele Navale Române organizează, în perioada 22 – 28 mai 2015, în premieră, un exerciţiu multinaţional, care are loc în apele teritoriale ale României şi în apele internaţionale ale Mării Negre, intitulat „Romanian Trident Poseidon 2015”. [...]
Reportaj de aproape 20 de minute despre portavionul american USS Ronald Reagan. A fost realizat in 2009 si  difuzat de Realitatea TV. [...]
Socialist song made in the DDR =)) This movie portrays two ideologies fighting each other. PLOT: White flags symbolise the white movement against the red army, the four flags USA, UK, FRANCE and JAPAN symbolise the countries which have sent soldiers to fight Soviet Union. [...]
Currently, this project seems a good solution for border areas. For the main advantage of this machine is the power monitoring and observation at night, not attack power. [...]
Although Switzerland is one of the most gun-friendly countries in the world, there have been some misconceptions concerning the rules and regulations governing Swiss gun ownership.  [...]