Plăcerea pe care o obţinem atunci când realizăm un lucru bun este indusă de un cocktail de neuro-chimicale, dar unul dintre acestea pare a fi în mod particular important. [...]
A web of one – „A phenomenon in which users become separated from information that disagrees with their viewpoints — effectively isolating them in their own culture of ideological „bubbles.” [...]
Although Switzerland is one of the most gun-friendly countries in the world, there have been some misconceptions concerning the rules and regulations governing Swiss gun ownership.  [...]
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A social experiment comparing and contrasting how males and females respond differently to being outright asked if they want to have sex. [...]
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This was filmed over the course of 2 week trip in Europe, He filmed 7 different days for this one. Notice a difference in how the girls responded in Europe versus the USA (California). [...]
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Food makers want us to buy their newest products, while movie studios want us to go see the latest blockbusters. Because persuasion is such a pervasive component of our lives, it is often all-to-easy to overlook how we are influenced by outside sources. [...]